Who has seen and who sees?
"Who has seen and who sees?", Released him, Gaspar Llamazares the face of Zapatero from the floor of Congress. Llamazares dusted off the sticker of the famous 'No War' and returned to show off his jacket to throw in the face of Zapatero his cynicism, hypocrisy and moral duplicity, the shameful evolution from its days of "pancartero" peace to his current role of palm belligerent in the war in Libya. Llamazares
Zapatero reminded his rejection of the invasion Iraq, his support means to the operation in Afghanistan and now his picture with the so-called coalition of Paris, which is identical to that of the Azores.
"There are 32 conflicts similar to those of Libya in the whole world with tyrants who subjugate and exterminate its people," he said Llamazres to argue that they are the "strategic interests"-oil-vulgar, and not the humanitarian emergency the real reasons for intervention.
Rajoy has not taken the debate in the House of Representatives to remind the different attitude that Zapatero was the PSOE to PP when Spain supported the intervention in the Iraq War. A speech light, funky, mellifluous, submissive, baker and emetic.
With all that the PP had to endure eight years ago and in circumstances identical to this one, and when you get the chance to give back blow for blow chooses to behave as an Ursuline!. I should have
Zapatero reminded the many similarities between Iraq and Libya, at least so that it fell heads in shame, if they ever had.
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