Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Groom Dress At Walima

Save us!

In Hollywood movies of the Romans, if Caesar raised his thumb down, the dying gladiator, while it stood as the accused would survive. Big mistake.
Actually when Caesar rose thumb winner meant that the gladiator was to raise his weapon and end the life of that unhappy, and when the thumb down, meant to throw his gun and spare his life to overcome. Not everything is as it seems.
What it is what it seems, the evidence of who pulls the strings of the puppets and props, is the lord of red tie and suit look pasiego Sunday, called Emilio Botin.

same smarmy receives the request and slathered with compliments of the defendant for trespass Garzón, with that "Dear Emily" which had a foul stench , imploring him in a letter to shaky, a do not bring us! Ruiz Mateos as if it were a defeated gladiator in the arena Latino arnica to Caesar asking Santander.

A series of letters that Ruiz Mateos group on Tuesday gave the media are part of the family correspondence held with Banco Santander in the last year.
A letter dated April 22, 2010 reflects:

"Dear Emily: The good thing about your father in heaven will be, was induced maliciously by one of his colleagues in congratulating the Government for the disappearance of the first 'holding' familiar Spain, and is now generally acknowledged that they did was an atrocity. Today recourse to thee ".

In another letter, dated 10 June 2010, reference was made to the difficulties of the group;

"Dear Emilio: despite how bad we are going through your bank's position, we want you to know celebrated a Mass in the chapel of my house asking for your intentions to get your desires. "

Imagine the soundtrack by Nino Rota and there you have the perfect picture of who the real boss, the boss.
Abraham Lincoln said it best: "predatory power of money to the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy" .

Power in its purest form.


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