What the hell good is UN? The stark reality
In 1945, 51 countries drafted the UN Charter. The forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations, established in 1919 in similar circumstances, as if the Company was established in full First World War, coined the UN United Nations name inthe Great War II.
The UN should respond to the commitment and willingness of member countries determined to save future generations from war, which twice in our lifetime has inflicted untold sorrow to mankind "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, to create optimal conditions to uphold justice and promote social progress and better standards of life in an environment of freedom, to practice tolerance and live together in peace, to join forces to maintain peace and security, ensure that no armed force is used but in service of common interest and promote economic and social advancement of all peoples.
These are the theoretical principles underlying the UN action, contained in the preamble of the founding Charter.
said than done, there is a long way.
The history of the UN is a path of corruption and dereliction of duties. Corruption the scandal of the Oil for Food program, which took Kojo Annan, son of Secretary General Koffi Annan, and dereliction of duties, abandoned to their fate, as the decisions of the UN against ethnic conflicts in Zaire, Rwanda, in Srebrenica, in Kenya, Cambodia, Mozambique, Liberia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Congo ...
Each of the Secretaries of the UN so far has been punctuated by corruption which has not responded diligently Lie, Hammarskjold, Uthant, Waldheim, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros-Galli, Kofi Annan ...
But what shows their utter futility, is when it has shrugged off the face of genocide and barbarism.
Rwanda. 1994. A war, of old, a machete and bayonet. Hutus and Tutsis. Human remains everywhere. Rivers that dragged corpses. Countless children orphaned and maimed. Mass exodus.
refugee camps. Blood. Hunger. Diseases.
About one million dead human beings. UN
And shrugged.
The 11 July 1995 Bosnian Serb troops took the Bosnian town of Srebrenica and in the days after killed some 8,000 people, nearly all Muslim men in the largest massacre in Europe since the end of World War II.
Srebrenica, a Muslim enclave then inhabited by about 40,000 people located in eastern Bosnia, became a target of the Bosnian Serbs since the beginning of the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which erupted shortly after the republic passed its independence from the rest of Yugoslavia in April 1992.
On 6 May 1993 the Security Council the UN passed a resolution declaring Srebrenica, near cities Bosnian Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zepa, Gorazde and Bihac "safe area" under the protection of the Peace Force of the UN.
In the presence of hundreds of "blue helmets" Dutch who looked the other way and failed to prevent genocide, the Bosnian Serbs entered Srebrenica and separated from the male population.
On July 11, 1995, after a long siege, the Bosnian Serbs entered Srebrenica. The task of UNPROFOR agreed not to resist and withdraw from the city. Muslims in the enclave tried to break the siege and flee to territory still controlled by the Government of Sarajevo, but many of them were captured.
The day after his entrance, the Bosnian Serb troops concentrated in the population in a factory on the outskirts of the city and, later, men of military age who were at the scene were separated from women and children. Days later, the Red Cross reported the disappearance of at least 7,000 men of military age and non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders said they had enough evidence to believe that most had been killed by the army of the Bosnian Serb militia leader, Ratko Mladic .
The reaction of the international community was at all times, very warm.
Main European leaders condemned the slaughter, but no more troops intervened to restore the safe enclave declared by the UN. Boutros Galli himself acknowledged his failure and the Security Council of the UN, that day was limited to condemn the slaughter and demand the withdrawal of Serb soldiers, without taking measures coercivity.
Now the eyes of the world are on Libya. Benghazi is preparing for the final assault on this city, for three weeks is the capital of the rebels. Libyan television last night issued a message urging people to abandon Benghazi armed rebel positions. International organizations like the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have left Benghazi to avoid endangering their computers. And the UN?. Well, as always ...