Saturday, March 26, 2011

Refugee Camp In Thies Senegal

The man who sued himself

When a municipal utility truck in Lodi, California, hit Curtis Gokey's car to go into reverse, the city decided to sue for damages.
He was driving the truck that caused the accident, but that little detail did not stop him.
Gokey sued the city in the amount of $ 3600. After the prosecutor denied the claim because Gokey was suing himself, he and his wife decided to rerun the application but in her name. The city attorney, Steve Schwabauer said the lawsuit was a fraud of law and not admitted for processing.
But Rhonda insists it has right to sue the City because a municipal vehicle had beaten his private vehicle. It has also raised the amount of compensation to $ 4800.

Baltasar Garzon has filed suit in the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in holding that the process that handles the Supreme Court against him for investigating the crimes of the Franco regime violates the principle of judicial indepedencia.

witnessing an unprecedented in the legal world , because they do Garzon suspended the service, has not even been tried and, without draining the national route, has gone to the European way.
Article 35 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides that no person may be referred to the European Court until after "exhausting internal remedies" and within six months "after the date of the final domestic decision ' . Garzón
But that's not important. When you have imported the law?.

Currently, Garzon has challenged five Supreme Court justices. Mixed
his egotism and his wild flight forward, Garzon not accept having to answer to the courts because he has always been considered above the current legislation and the ability to interpret as it sees fit and the occasion demands.

To Garzón Justice is not an end, if not half.

The surreal part is that recourse to Strasbourg Garzón, a court has already issued two judgments against him for his lack of impartiality to prosecute Rafael Vera and its shameful refusal to investigate a case of apparent torture.

At this rate, eventually suing Garzón himself.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Program Star Choice Motorola Remote

legitimate desire for revenge That

Mid-afternoon, half-empty cafeteria, a group of smokers rush your coffee and the last puff of cigarette before returning to the office.
One sentence while leaving a tip.

- Marta The Castle is a shame. Until someone does not take the law into their own hands ...

The child dubbed 'The Cuckoo' has been acquitted of the crimes of rape and murder of Marta del Castillo and has been sentenced to three years imprisonment in a juvenile facility, followed by two years probation probation for a crime of concealment , according to the ruling issued today.

parents, who still do not know where the body of her daughter, who were unable to bury, are desolate and say they do not believe in justice.
Antonio del Castillo, father of the girl, said "Until something does not happen these to the daughter of an MP will not change anything."

I was thinking about this, I remembered an article Perez Reverte

"Today I want to talk about justice and revenge. Viewpoint subjective, of course, subject to error and bias groups. Outcome of fifty-seven years, some travel, books, and not forged in the goodism idiot-and-suicide of those who believe living in the forest in Bambi. The thing summarized in one question: What is wrong with revenge? ... I know that in Western society that word has a bad press.
We must forgive those who trespass, light your way and reintegrate early and others. But we forget one thing: the feeling of revenge, personal repair, is in our instinct. Comes, I guess, the time when we left the cave to find him a mammoth steak family. In my opinion, the revenge, in ancient or modern forms-is not bad. It is hygienic to mental health, and frustrates a lot to be deprived of it. What happens is that, if society is not a constant and uncomfortable navajeo, men resolved to entrust the State the monopoly of our settling of scores.
Insulted, wanting revenge and repair of those who offend us, we give the natural impulse to the institution that governs us, and represents, as appropriate compensation for the damage it received, out, or override the social risk that the offender may pose, and satisfy adequately punished to this, our logic, instinctive, atavistic desire for revenge.
It is no coincidence that it is precisely the marginal groups who do not believe in society or share their codes, always seeking to take revenge on his hand. Or that, in the movies, we like and calm in the end the bad guy dies.
And the problem is that, in my opinion, arises when the State unable to map reveals commitment. To fulfill its obligation. Then comes the frustration of those who are without redress, defenseless against the evil done. Of those who see the murderer walking the streets with impunity, the scammer enjoy your money, the rapist out on the weekend to repeat exactly what you put in jail.
desires of those who are stuck in the tangle of incompetence, bureaucracy, laziness, demagoguery and bad faith that characterizes every human society. And, as icing, should be swallowed chewing discourse by those who delve increasingly, through ignorance, stupidity or calculation concerned, the gap between theory and reality. Between real life and dream life. And the simple swallow it.
The citizens reasonable and civilized who say they hate the crime but pity and help the offender: speech that is Chachi on TV, in newspaper editorial or coffee with friends, but it disappears when you leave your number. When they steal your house on your street assault or rape your daughter. Only a society strong and confident, tough and ruthless transgressors-watchers with offenders when they cross the line, eliminates the need for personal revenge. A society able to protect justice and serenity, but not complex. No sissy news.
If not, the laws made for protect honest people turn against itself. The tying of hands, coat of shameless becoming, predators and beasts without conscience. Frustrate the hope of the offended and I do regret sometimes deprived of the possibility of satisfying themselves the legitimate desire for revenge that the State timid, clumsy, inefficient, does not resolve on their behalf. Made that, you just prefer, and therein lies the real danger-a twelve-gauge, post rookery, leave me alone and pumba, pumba. Moreover, ultimately, is rhetoric and are milongas ".

Or change the law, or one day someone will say enough and take justice into their own hands.
As Reverte says, that "legitimate desire for revenge that the State timid, clumsy, inefficient, does not resolve on their behalf."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weeing Alot And Pains In Stomach And Back

the hyena's laugh

The famous laugh of the hyena is not laughing, but a sign of frustration, as experts have discovered.
The hyenas have a very powerful digestive system with acidic fluids able to digest their prey whole, skin, bones, horns, and teeth. As if dissolved into lime.
also have a potent bacterial ecosystem, which allows them to eat animals in poor condition, or carrion for several days.

Rubalcaba The flight of the hospital had postponed a new duel between Vice President and Deputy Gil Lázaro popular. Lazarus Rubalcaba warned that "the arrogance and pride have played a trick" and asked him "do not long-range plans for the Justice can occur at any time ." In this regard, adding that the tip has shown that believes that being in power and therefore anything goes "is in a dead end."

prodigious chemist answered no questions and we Gil Lazaro revealed his condition humorist up the point that we do not know if Jose Mota who imitates what he or is Rubalcaba who imitates Mota.

"What would you do without me on Wednesday?" Asked Rubalcaba, to add your favorite jokes to return to the popular question that would be without him Wednesday night by the gatherings of the extreme right ". Read Intereconomía.

" is as Amaral's song in 'without you I am nothing '" sentenced former government spokesman of the GAL, amid applause and laughter from his group.
Rubalcaba was glutted and closed his speech by asking Gil the next time Lazarus "a little more carefully."

But I would not write about it. Neither of the torture and murder of Lasa and Zabala.
not on solvent effects of lime on the bodies. Or on the choreography of agitpro 11-M, let alone manufactured false evidence to lead the investigation - so to speak, of the attacks, not to mention the violation of a day of reflection and that of "Spain does not deserve a government to lie, "nor on Sanchez Manzano and the destruction of evidence of the wreckage of the trains, or the" case Pheasant "and the infamous" tip "to ETA.

I just wanted to write about laughter hyena.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bruise On Knees Easily

U.D.O. - MEAN MACHINE (1989)

Mean Machine, despite being the second album in the discography of UDO, may in fact be considered the first true solo recording of Dirkschneider, since previous work, Animal House, was written entirely by former band mates Udo, Accept, as a sort of parting gift when he decided in 1986 to establish its own group. Group that eventually turned out to be much more long-lived and prolific than it might seem at first and has proven Udo great ability to carve out album after album deserved the label of being one of the most enthusiastic warriors Heavy Metal since three decades .. 'Mean Machine' is a logical continuation of what we live in "Animal House", a little faster than its predecessor, but still contains all the things that were remarkable in Animal House: unstoppable riffs, good melodies, catchy choruses and Above all, the very characteristic voice of Dirkschneider. What we have here is nothing less than pure traditional Heavy Metal, so do not expect atypical structures, surprising tempo changes and other innovative solutions. Most songs are built in a standard manner, all without exception in a very decent level. They are quick and energetic songs. All instrumentalists, although not particularly amazing, do a good job. These are the guitarists Mathias dieth Mathias %E2%80%9CDon%E2%80%9D Dieth-UDO 1989 Mean Machine Tour (already played in Animal House) and Andy Susemihl (Sinner), Thomas Smuszynski bassist and drummer Stefan Schwarzmann (Running Wild). Both guitarists are especially a great job, although comparisons are odious, and inevitable shadow of Wolf Hoffmann is sooo long ...
In general, "Mean Machine" is clearly not a classical masterpiece or a breakthrough innovation in Heavy Metal. However, it's a very decent, well written, produced (Mark Dodson) and headdress that is so regular that line the mighty German singer, who is hitting tireless and never disappoints. Honestly, this is a perfect consistency, hard work and love of Heavy Metal.

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Who has seen and who sees?

"Who has seen and who sees?", Released him, Gaspar Llamazares the face of Zapatero from the floor of Congress. Llamazares dusted off the sticker of the famous 'No War' and returned to show off his jacket to throw in the face of Zapatero his cynicism, hypocrisy and moral duplicity, the shameful evolution from its days of "pancartero" peace to his current role of palm belligerent in the war in Libya. Llamazares

Zapatero reminded his rejection of the invasion Iraq, his support means to the operation in Afghanistan and now his picture with the so-called coalition of Paris, which is identical to that of the Azores.

"There are 32 conflicts similar to those of Libya in the whole world with tyrants who subjugate and exterminate its people," he said Llamazres to argue that they are the "strategic interests"-oil-vulgar, and not the humanitarian emergency the real reasons for intervention.

Rajoy has not taken the debate in the House of Representatives to remind the different attitude that Zapatero was the PSOE to PP when Spain supported the intervention in the Iraq War. A speech light, funky, mellifluous, submissive, baker and emetic.

With all that the PP had to endure eight years ago and in circumstances identical to this one, and when you get the chance to give back blow for blow chooses to behave as an Ursuline!. I should have
Zapatero reminded the many similarities between Iraq and Libya, at least so that it fell heads in shame, if they ever had.

Mouse Not Moving Smoothly

can not push ethical boundaries in the mud

In recent times the media has given up one their most important values: ethics and professional ethics.
The statements made in the program that runs on Telecinco Ana Rosa Quintana, Isabel Garcia, the wife of Santiago del Valle, the murderer of the girl Mari Luz Cortes, which in tears, her husband accused of killing the youngest accidentally, journalism has sunk to levels of stupidity ever seen. Thus, this woman, who suffers from mental retardation, contradicted his statement to the judge.

As reported in the newspaper "El Mundo" "Members of the Quartz have accompanied producer Isabel García day and night for the last few days. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with her to avoid appearing on the set of another string. " Continued newspaper " had access to what was not the controversial interview. The images of the wife of Santiago del Valle during commercial breaks, ranging from fainting to the pleas because inclement stop record. "

Ana Rosa Quintana and nine other journalists have been subpoenaed to testify as suspects on Wednesday by the court of Madrid n º 43 of a possible crime of coercion when interviewing Isabel Garcia that to make matters worse, is mentally handicapped.

justification does not serve as a presenter say that they have given the news that any journalist would give.
rooting in the trash is not journalism, harass commercial breaks in a woman with obvious signs of suffering from some mental impairment, until they had to accuse her husband after he had declared in court that he was innocent, "is a behavior punishable, ethically despicable and devoid of any human empathy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Home Has Negative Equity, What Can I Do

said General Norman Schwarzkopf that "to win wars is to go down into the mud" . So, that infantry has to set foot in enemy territory and left blood and lives on the road.
air operations are punishment for that: punishment. But in a light version, none of those hills that encouraged sprayed napalm both Robert Duvall in "Apocalypse Now" .

And the chief of staff to U.S., Admiral Michael Mullen, made it clear that the offensive is not intended to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, "The military campaign is limited and a potential outcome is that Gaddafi remains in power. " The U.S. chief of staff stressed that the primary mission is "to protect civilians," but ruled out the existence of both plans to arm rebels to force the fall of Gaddafi by military means.
is, a bread and some cakes. All this milonga
to end the game in a draw with a tricky horizon. Do you think these lights
Gadhafi be imposed exile in Venezuela?.

military paraphernalia strongly reminiscent of that first Gulf War, of Marta Sanchez and his love soldiers, which allowed Saddam to keep power after he attacked Kuwait.

However, returning to the native clay, embarrassment resulting from the newsprint of the left-wing celebrity who suffer in this country. The same unions, actors and other members of the Ceja who flooded the streets for seven years with his "No to war" , are now more war than John Wayne.

all this infamous horde led by Bardem and mother who bore him defend the support of Spain to the war against Gaddafi, where our former pacifist Zapatero, who did not move the ass chair when the flag passes from Uncle Sam, now sends warplanes English, a frigate, a submarine, almost 500 personnel and the provision of two air bases.

Seeing Méndez, Toxo, Miguel Ríos, Juan Diego Almudena Grandes or exercise of hardened militarists, as if they were members transvestite Tea Party, da grime and disgust, and portrays perfection that these types of wars and the dead do not care a damn, except of course, occur under a government of the PP.
Then everyone is John Lennon.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Remove Write Protect Usb Flash

Download Operation: Save Garzón

Rubalcaba has been taken, shadowing Arnan - The Imaginary Invalid Moliere - their activities, and sewers alborazadas celebrate their return to the scene.
of all, as a starter, is awaiting the decision adopted by the Constitutional Court regarding the doctrine Atutxa which upheld the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court in a statement issued in 2008. This thesis recognizes the class action "the ability to charge and request for trial, although there is no prosecutor or private prosecutor."

Since the Government is trying to give some guidance to the chairman of TC, Pascual Sala, to limit the exercise of popular action.
The class action is a right recognized by the English Constitution and therefore can not be deleted. But what the Constitutional Court if he can do is limited, so that the monopoly of the prosecution is in the hands of the prosecution, or government.
One of the practical consequences of this decision would affect future aa two of the three lawsuits that Garzon has opened in the Supreme Court. This is, in Memory and Historical Collections at the University of New York's accusation is popular. Clean hands on the first and Mazon and Panea lawyers in the second.

Because of what is now it is by all means is "Saving Private Garzón" may.

The General Council of Judicial Power has only provisionally Garzon suspended from their duties by investigating the crimes of the Franco regime. This would mean that the governing body of judges would have to lift the suspension of the judge, so go back to your destination in the Central Court of Instruction No. 5 of the Audiencia Nacional.

In this sense, Garzón again open to examine all the summaries in this court, among others, the case Pheasant.

And therein lies the unusual interest in saving Garzón the wreck: his return to the National hearing would resume the "pheasant case" with all that entails .

of all, avoid Rubalcaba re-entered again to qualify "sacred" version hospital.

The legal chicanery goes through the argument that the Criminal Procedure Act provides that once the judge completes the investigation procedures will refer them to the prosecutor and private prosecutor for making the accusation. Accordingly, this rule referred to summary procedure does not expressly mention the class action, so it lacks a specific regulatory deployment.

Therefore, this may be the loophole to prevent the people accused in criminal cases.

The TC would do a disservice to the rights recognized in the Constitution if it ultimately chooses to curtail the right of citizenship, to grant the monopoly of the prosecution to the Department. It would be the consecration of pasteleo and grip and a deadly stab wound to the civil society that would limit its power of "surveillance" of, inter alia, "the government.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Vip222k External Drive

The river

The Constitutional Court has ruled that the Guadalquivir River is not only Andalusian, so that the Board can claim exclusive jurisdiction over its waters.
The sentence is very important, especially when we are in Kafkaesque and surreal nonsense autonomous, as it reinforces the principle of unity basin , established in Spain for a century and enshrined in the Constitution and European law . This principle of unity
basin states that the territory of influence of a river that runs through several communities should be managed by a single body independent of the authorities concerned, that is, in that case, the rivers are under state jurisdiction.
The Constitutional Court confirmed that despite the claims of the autonomy statutes of the Ebro, Tajo and Segura are the responsibility of central government only, which is de facto the finiquitación the pathetic "water wars ".

Andalusia went from not having jurisdiction on the Guadalquivir River, beyond the technical and financial assistance to local government for infrastructure development to manage urban cycle 96% of the territory of the basin, 98.8% of the population and 99.7% of water consumption.
In economic terms, the transfer resulted in an extra 620 million euros annually in the accounts of Andalusian autonomy, of which around 500 million from EU funds.

Moreover, it is the value of the Guadalquivir River Basin, absorbed in his day in the Andalusian Water Agency. According to accounts that presented the former autonomous state in 2005, its assets amounted to 2.153 million euros.

most curious - and cynical of all is the reaction of the Andalusian PP leader, Javier Arenas, stating that not surprised by the ruling of the Constitutional because the article of the Statute of the Guadalquivir was "very controversial" and subject to "legal interpretations."
remember, that while Tertullian The Telescope in COPE in an interview with Arenas, I was alone reproaching his support for a disastrous and clearly unconstitutional statute-to articles traced the Catalan Statute , while other staff is to illustrate pictures with soapy interviewed after passing through the station.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Episode Does Goku Offer Bulma To Old Kai

What the hell good is UN? The stark reality

In 1945, 51 countries drafted the UN Charter. The forerunner of the UN was the League of Nations, established in 1919 in similar circumstances, as if the Company was established in full First World War, coined the UN United Nations name inthe Great War II.

The UN should respond to the commitment and willingness of member countries determined to save future generations from war, which twice in our lifetime has inflicted untold sorrow to mankind "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, to create optimal conditions to uphold justice and promote social progress and better standards of life in an environment of freedom, to practice tolerance and live together in peace, to join forces to maintain peace and security, ensure that no armed force is used but in service of common interest and promote economic and social advancement of all peoples.

These are the theoretical principles underlying the UN action, contained in the preamble of the founding Charter.

said than done, there is a long way.

The history of the UN is a path of corruption and dereliction of duties. Corruption the scandal of the Oil for Food program, which took Kojo Annan, son of Secretary General Koffi Annan, and dereliction of duties, abandoned to their fate, as the decisions of the UN against ethnic conflicts in Zaire, Rwanda, in Srebrenica, in Kenya, Cambodia, Mozambique, Liberia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Congo ...

Each of the Secretaries of the UN so far has been punctuated by corruption which has not responded diligently Lie, Hammarskjold, Uthant, Waldheim, Perez de Cuellar, Boutros-Galli, Kofi Annan ...

But what shows their utter futility, is when it has shrugged off the face of genocide and barbarism.

Rwanda. 1994. A war, of old, a machete and bayonet. Hutus and Tutsis. Human remains everywhere. Rivers that dragged corpses. Countless children orphaned and maimed. Mass exodus.
refugee camps. Blood. Hunger. Diseases.
About one million dead human beings.

And shrugged.

The 11 July 1995 Bosnian Serb troops took the Bosnian town of Srebrenica and in the days after killed some 8,000 people, nearly all Muslim men in the largest massacre in Europe since the end of World War II.

Srebrenica, a Muslim enclave then inhabited by about 40,000 people located in eastern Bosnia, became a target of the Bosnian Serbs since the beginning of the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which erupted shortly after the republic passed its independence from the rest of Yugoslavia in April 1992.

On 6 May 1993 the Security Council the UN passed a resolution declaring Srebrenica, near cities Bosnian Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zepa, Gorazde and Bihac "safe area" under the protection of the Peace Force of the UN.

In the presence of hundreds of "blue helmets" Dutch who looked the other way and failed to prevent genocide, the Bosnian Serbs entered Srebrenica and separated from the male population.
On July 11, 1995, after a long siege, the Bosnian Serbs entered Srebrenica. The task of UNPROFOR agreed not to resist and withdraw from the city. Muslims in the enclave tried to break the siege and flee to territory still controlled by the Government of Sarajevo, but many of them were captured.

The day after his entrance, the Bosnian Serb troops concentrated in the population in a factory on the outskirts of the city and, later, men of military age who were at the scene were separated from women and children. Days later, the Red Cross reported the disappearance of at least 7,000 men of military age and non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders said they had enough evidence to believe that most had been killed by the army of the Bosnian Serb militia leader, Ratko Mladic .

The reaction of the international community was at all times, very warm.
Main European leaders condemned the slaughter, but no more troops intervened to restore the safe enclave declared by the UN. Boutros Galli himself acknowledged his failure and the Security Council of the UN, that day was limited to condemn the slaughter and demand the withdrawal of Serb soldiers, without taking measures coercivity.

Now the eyes of the world are on Libya. Benghazi is preparing for the final assault on this city, for three weeks is the capital of the rebels. Libyan television last night issued a message urging people to abandon Benghazi armed rebel positions. International organizations like the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have left Benghazi to avoid endangering their computers.

And the UN?.
Well, as always ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Walter Lippman, twice winner of the Pulitzer, warned anyone who would listen to the harsh reality: "Never forget that the big exclusive today tomorrow's fish wrap ".

Although no fish wrapped in newspaper, the fact is that the consumption of information is still eagerly claims such that what is now fundamental cause for concern Overall, diluted in a matter of hours as other news jumps to the first page of the news and newspapers.

In this world of the XXI century, with its lavish new technologies and global economy, morality is suspended on a rope pretty loose. The appalling realities that inevitably inform us television, radio or print media fed the compulsive need information on anything bother the sensibilities of people.
in permanent conflict with the obligation to broadcast the truth, ethics in the media tiptoes through the imperative to continue engulfing information compulsively.

No talk of Libya. Nobody cares if Gadaffi and recapture positions, if there is a real slaughter of civilians, if you bomb cities or if there is an exodus of refugees to provoke a humanitarian crisis.

now interested in Japan, the crisis triggered by the earthquake and nuclear apocalypse that some seem to want as rain in May to move in this continuing demand for information of firsts. Currently not the case, is created. If there were no journalists, there would be today. Would simply facts.

"We spent most of his life informing. What we see for ourselves is not important. We live on the testimony of others. The ear is the second door of truth, and the first of lies. The truth usually is, but hear it is rare. Rarely pure reaches our ears, and less when it comes from afar, because then comes tinged with the passions that are on the way ", Baltasar Gracian said.

And in this crazy encounters a surreal articles "Why do the Japanese do not cry?" or "what I can do after a radioactive threat?" in an attempt to follow the apocalypse tried squeezing in another stake to placate the anxieties of information bulimic and those who really want another issue on which to fix his eyes.
After all, tomorrow is another day ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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open bar

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that everyone has the right "to freedom of opinion and expression".
This right includes "without interference because of their opinions, receive and impart information and ideas and disseminate them."
also states that in exercising their rights and freedoms, everyone be subject to legal constraints in order to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the requirements of the general welfare in a democratic society.

Freedom of expression is reflected in our Constitution in Article 20, being one of the rights that you have more legal guarantees (recurso de amparo, a constitutional appeal, direct applicability in the jurisdiction in summary proceedings, etc.) throughout the text constitutional.

That constitutional provision "recognizes and protects the rights to freely express and disseminate thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, in writing or any other means of reproduction "and" the production and creative writing, science and technology. " It also recognizes and protects the right "to freely communicate or receive truthful information by any media."

The Human Rights Court in Strasbourg has ruled against Spain for violating freedom of expression Arnaldo Otegi to convict King call "chief torturer" .

The sentence pronounced by the Supreme Court and confirmed by the Constitutional Court one year in prison Otegi against his statements against the King in a public ceremony in 2003, when he was spokesman for Batasuna, contradicts the Charter of Fundamental Rights , according to court because the words of the condemned "is not a personal attack against the person's free Rey, or questioning their privacy or personal honor . "

"The terms used to refer Otegi only institutional responsibility as head of the king and symbol of the state apparatus and the forces that he claimed had tortured the newspaper Egunkaria responsible," the statement .

On February 26, 2003 Otegi said the king "Is the supreme head of the English Army, ie responsible for the torturers and torture who protects and enforces its monarchic regime on our people through torture and violence."

The Strasbourg ruling further stated that "the fact that King is not criminally responsible, according to the Constitution itself does not prevent a free debate on possible institutional responsibilities, and even symbolic, head of the State ".

The sentence against Spain is signed by a tribunal of judges chaired by Josep Casadevall , Andorra, and integrated by a Romanian, an Armenian, a Slovak a Georgian, a Moldovan and Luis López Guerra English .

The Government will have to compensate Otegi with 20,000 euros for "moral damages" and pay another 3,000 on the cost of the trial .

is unfortunate, first, that under the freedom of expression, or by virtue of its fuzzy boundaries, to protect the dissemination of doctrines odious or podium to give exhibitors.

From this moment, apparently seen, open bar to say what you want.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Noise Reducing Headphones And Brain Cancer

The flotilla

The former members of the Ceja have found most interesting element of leisure to be devoted, now that you have withdrawn his active support to Zapatero buttoned and is a walking corpse .

If a significant portion of the nonsense goes garbancera busy supporting the campaign the defendant for trespass Garzón has been set in motion these days (cases Pilar Bardem, Almodóvar or the quarrelsome Almudena Grandes), another preferred to climb on board the Freedom Flotilla II (
Willy Toledo , Alberto San Juan , singer Carmen Paris and politicians Joan Josep Nuet IU (senator) and Inés Sabanés (Member of the Assembly of Madrid). , that will sail in May, and aims to support Hamas.

In fact, they have released a video that is part of a campaign
raising funds to finance the trip progress and whose message is not wasted.

"Suffocated, shackled, silenced a prison (...) (...) open human rights trampled every minute" ... These are some of the our puppeteers phrases mentioned in the video.

No, do not panic. Not refer to Cuba, mention it, nor those of violence imposed by Hamas in Gaza, no, refer, of course, the "evil" Israeli Government and the blockade imposed on the area to prevent suicide bombings.

not have even the slightest no compunction about using lies to support the fleet idyllic, some publicly and denied even by the terrorists of Hamas.
For example, say that humanitarian aid had not reached the first flotilla to Gaza, but forget to indicate "Dear me ... - Which was Hamas who refused to receive .

The Israeli press has echoed relations of the new fleet of "solidarity" with the terrorist group Hezbollah to , which operates in southern Lebanon in 2006 and already had a war with Israel after repeated attacks on both military positions and civilian targets in the north of the Hebrew state.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

31 Weeks Pregnant Stool Is Black


140,000 people had to be evacuated yesterday from the vicinity of the Fukushima nuclear plant, which suffered an explosion on the premises due to disaster caused by earthquake that struck Japan
The earthquake caused a serious failure in the cooling system of the plant, which caused an uncontrollable rise in temperature of the water causing an explosion that forced the engineers to release radioactive steam to reduce heating of the cooling circuit.

environmental organizations and the English left, atavistic as usual, took the decision of this power plant to join the bandwagon of those who deny and warn of the dangers of this type of energy.

That if, as usual discourse misuses and manipulative, obvious that Japan has 55 operating nuclear reactors who managed to resist the terrible impact of the earthquake-the largest earthquake in history in this country, and only the auxiliary engines failed cooling plant in Fukushima.

That, obviously, do not comment.

Japan is the third largest producer of nuclear energy after the U.S. and France and will not even remotely rethink the idea retógrada defended yesterday by environmentalists, who is none other than the closure of nuclear plants.

Japan, like Spain, has a high dependence on oil and has no indigenous sources other than the milonga and thymus of renewable energies.
Those against nuclear power ignore the fundamental fact that there has been no nuclear accident with fatalities or environmental damage in the last decade despite the number of nuclear geometry has proliferated in both Europe and the U.S. or in Asia.

Only the ignorant or those who drink antinuclear speech, can deny that technology is much safer today than thirty years ago, to the extent that nuclear power can safely produce large amounts of electricity at a lower price the home farm - the prayer card scam, or from combined cycle plants.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boots Used In Twilight


Tolerance is not possible today without a recognition and respect for others and in this direction is necessary to build a specific objective of recognizing that tolerance in the exercise of politics, religion or sexuality.
The ability to understand others, my self-recognition implies though, understand others does not mean having to agree with them.
Man is man for having, unlike other animals, reason.
Tolerance has its origin in reason, the logos, as understood by the Greeks, as a reason and as a word, that is, as the ability to understand and be understood.
The reason or logos, in this double sense, as the source of all patience and tolerance as the only possibility of coexistence. Unfortunately

in Spain, there is a left atavistic carpetovetónica, anchored in the tenets of the nineteenth century anti-clerical and trapped in the guerracivilismo. Without this background can not explain this anti-clericalism that more and more to remember suffered during the Second Republic , something that reflected the actual Benedict XVI on his last trip to Spain.

Now it is the turn to Public universities are making headlines for attacks on Catholics taking place in their facilities. It began with the temporary closure the chapel of the University of Barcelona by the lack of security, where security officers had to escort students to a mass after several weeks of riots and attacks - to end attempts by the extreme left of the closure of the chapel of the Faculty of History and Law.

The corollary has been what happened on the campus of Somosaguas, where dozens of militants have assaulted the religious space stripping on the altar and the priest shaking .

Spain is legally a secular state. This church-state separation is successful to the extent that is born of freedom and not the imposition of free choice and not obligation.
But this constitutional secularism in our legal system does not per se empowered to ignorance of the Christian roots of Spain, to the neglect of the condition of their overwhelmingly Catholic population. Those who are filling the mouth with the word freedom, curtailment of the exercise in those who do not share their anti-clericalism guerracivilista.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cut Off For Jumbo Loan 2010

Seven years after the infamy

Seven years after the slaughter in Madrid, there is no doubt that the sole purpose of those who planned the attacks was to overthrow the government and prevent the victory of the PP.

Seven years later we still do not know who put the backpacks on the trains. The only person convicted of this is Jamal Zougam, on which there are strong doubts that participate in the slaughter and has the rough-looking to be a scapegoat more.

Seven years later we still do not know who or who were the masterminds of the attacks, as the three defendants were acquitted after the prosecution become clear that had nothing to do with the 11-M.

Seven years later we know nothing, even remotely, of whom was the "mysterious" organization that claimed responsibility. There is, of course, a group linked to Al Qaeda. In the video found in a trash can in the election yesterday claimed it was retaliation for the presence of English troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Spain continues in Afghanistan and that group has not ever attempt again in Spain. Curious.

Seven years later we still do not know why the train cars began to be scrapped forty-eight hours after the slaughter , destroying and crime scenes and preventing further checks. disappeared 90 tons of debris. When the trial of 11-M was asked the police to furnish the samples stored in order to perform counter-analysis, we could only bring a few dozen small fragments, of which there is not even aware of the trains coming from 11-M.

Seven years later we do not know for sure what explosive was used, which primers and detonators were used, how they were made these bags-bombs. The remains of the explosion foci were never sent to the Police Scientific as was required and binding and therefore the victims of 11-M have filed a complaint against the responsible it: the chief of the EOD, Sanchez Manzano.

Seven years later we still do not know where it came from the famous "Vallecas backpack, which was" found "eighteen hours after the attack," curiously "in a police station.
said that it was an unexploded bomb from s trains, but today no one can explain how you got that bomb at a police station, no one saw the alleged pump stations, nobody saw during relocation and even contained in the actual inventory held in the police station.
Although there is no evidence whatsoever that linked them with trains, Bermudez gave as good as the test and from a mobile phone found inside began to make arrests and built the whole fallacy of the official version of the attack.

Seven years later we still do not know how it is possible that a dangerous Islamist suicide in the trains of 11-M, sacrificing himself to commit suicide in an apartment in Leganes, a floor that was used by the Police for drug operations.
Seven years later we still do not know why these "evil" and "fanatical" terrorists Leganés waited politely as opusinos for hours Police to vacate eight blocks of homes, before blowing himself up.

Seven years later we still do not know what happened with the GEO-mysteriously died - in the operation, and that after being buried, his corpse was desecrated and was burned.

Seven years later, we, millions of English, we want to know the TRUTH.
hundred ninety-two dead, thousands injured and maimed, a country, democracy, hope Justice.