Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clean Dares For Parties

died, the essence of Aragon ... Jose Antonio Labordeta

singer, writer and politician, was born in Zaragoza on March 10, 1935, died this past Sunday September 19 in the same city. Installed

the chapel in the Palace of the Aljafería, many were those who came to say goodbye: anonymous citizens, musicians, politicians, artists. They say they spent about 35,000 people, farewell to a GREAT GREAT MAN .

Penalties for these lands, we was a distinguished Aragonés, rest in peace.

For a little more to Labordeta, I recommend you visit these interesting links:

Tribute his friend, songwriter and journalist Joaquín Carbonell
Tribute Rego Manuel Rico
Blog Homage "mixed bag" (with videos, audios and information Labordeta)
Biography (by Antonio Lopez Laher, October 2000)
"Song of Freedom" on Aljaferia - good bye to Labordeta-(Heraldo.Es / Agencias.Zaragoza)


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