Monday, February 28, 2011

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impossible trench Voting

The belief that the general elections in Spain are decided by centrist voters is false. Empirical evidence shows that these voters, defined as those whose votes between the PSOE and the PP, have little relevance.
The decisive votes are those of the left volatile those ranging from the PSOE, IU and abstention.

With one exception, in the last quarter century, Spain has voted overwhelmingly left. Since 1982 there have been seven general elections. In six of them left (PSOE, IU and its predecessors) obtained from a minimum of 2.3 and a maximum of 3.5 million votes more than the right (PP, regional allies and their predecessors).
Only in the 2000 elections, which had the lowest participation rate of the current democratic era (69%) exceeded the right votes left, the difference was 1 million votes.

NC The latest survey for REASON Report reveals that if elections were held today, the PSOE would on the road 11.41 points compared to 2008, while 5.63 would grow popular.
In particular, the formation of Zapatero would of the 169 deputies of the general last between 123 and 125, which would translate into votes in a loss of more than 3.4 million
Meanwhile, Rajoy's PP are paid to a majority (fixed at 176 seats).

With the current poll results. The PP would get between 184 and 187 deputies, that is, between 30 and 33 more than in 2008, and 625,819 more votes.
The difference therefore between the two formations is now up to 64 seats. This loss of followers of the PSOE has several reasons.
One of them, perhaps the most prominent, is that more than 2 million former Socialist voters in 2008 refrain 801,543 this time and drastically change course and choose the ballot of the PP.
Over half a million would opt for Izquierda Unida and almost 300,000 by UPyD. These figures
these that put the percentage of believers who manages to keep the Socialist Party by 65 percent.

This produces an uneasiness near the chill, is that despite the more than five million unemployed, a country sunk, seven nefarious government, negotiation / claudication with ETA, the "tip" of the Pheasant, the social fracture, of the drift nationalist collective impoverishment, the ERE Mercasevilla, the cut of freedoms, pervasive corruption ... a 32.95% of the electorate, more than seven and a half million people would vote for the PSOE.

so blind Is sectarianism?. Is there a solution this country, entrenched in a manner so brutal in a trench ideology unable to discern and elucidate on the basis of the country's needs?. Can you get ahead when a party of the electorate vote with the viscera?.

Another important finding showing public discontent with the policy: abstention.
More than 11.2 million English will not move from their homes, that is, two million more than in 2008.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Dictatorship and anarchic Pythagorean

Everyone has heard of Pythagoras , even if they have never understood his famous theorem - by example, white cucumber ...-, have ever heard such a name.
The "Pythagorean" were a strange group living in southern Italy more than twenty-five centuries. The group of "Pythagoras" was a sort of secret society that was governed by rules of the most picturesque and strict. Both the food, as the behavior is guided by many standards, the truth, seem largely quite stupid.
For example, it was strictly forbidden to eat beans or meat and could not wear clothes of wool.
is said that the great master Pythagoras, was uncompromising in degree, and took years of service to the "order" to see him in person, having heard his voice through a long curtain. For the Pythagoreans the natural numbers (N = {1,2,3,4,5 ...}) constituted the essence of reality, all he was worth, the way to overcome the hardships of the world reach a heavenly existence.

But ainsssss .... the happy world full of rules and a blind faith in the natural numbers staggered a day. One of the Pythagoreans began to think "different" and got into a mess. One type, called Hippasus of Metaponto - a liberal or "fascist" , ...- insurance, discovered to his chagrin, the irrational numbers. He took a square of side 1 and thought on the diagonal. Naturally, this diagonal is the square root of 2-has no periodic infinite decimal, "we is not a rational number is the ratio of two integers.
The "fascist" Hippasus of its hallmark discovery was enthusiastic about a number that violated the divine properties of natural numbers! Nothing, he did what anyone would have thought, he told his teammates and showed them his demo.
The Pythagoreans, seeing that this discovery threw his paradise in tatters numerical Hippasus immediately decided to eliminate , knocking him overboard from the ship he was traveling. Cranes. For liberal. For geek and anarchic would say white cucumber.

is impossible to find in the last century history of Spain a government more damaging to the welfare of citizens and more carcinogenic for their rights and freedoms that make Zapatero and conmilitones. Every day, we breakfasted with a new twist in their quest prohibitionist and Stalinist. Ora Minister Sebastian with his energy plan to lower the air conditioning to 24 degrees and that workers do not wear a tie, now Trinidad Jiménez prohibiting the sale of buns and soft drinks in schools to prevent overweight children ... .
liberticidal The drive runs like an oil slick and affects smokers , fans to bulls in Catalonia. , the bars, the crucifixes at burgers to internet, not to exceed 110 per hour on highways ...

liberticidal We are in the involution of a socialist government committed to legislate by decree at the expense of freedom of the citizen.
how long you're willing to hold the drift, this dictatorship silent?.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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The Milhouse policy, Development Minister José Blanco, has described as "geeks" and anarchic " the leaders of the Popular Party for criticizing the limitation to 110 mph speed highways and highway.
"Only 'freaks' and anarchic can continue with behavior that is better suited to people who do not aspire to rule that people who have the ambition to rule the country" , said White.

Cipolla said that the stupid is more dangerous than the evil. His ability to do damage depends two main factors: the genetic factor and the degree of power or authority position in society. Blank, for example, bring together the two factors.
As implied in the Third Basic Law Cipolla, stupid creature haunt us without reason, without a clear plan in the most unlikely times and places and more unthinkable. There
rational way to predict if, when, how and why a stupid creature carried out their attack. Faced with a stupid person, one is completely disarmed.
Imagine if instead of an individual, we speak of a government ...

Throughout these pathetic and disastrous seven years, the Zapatero government has been unable to develop a fairly reasonable energy plan, has opted to subsidize expensive renewable squandering billions of euros and has castled on demonizing nuclear energy for pure ideological sectarianism, cheesy and tacky.
The only energy saving measure was to give citizens a low-energy bulb, another bullshit Minister Sebastian did not serve for nothing except for a laugh.

Of those powders are these muds. The problem facing this country is very serious, because for every $ 10 that goes barrel oil bill will increase by 6,000 million for Spain.
A cost that will further aggravate the crisis and more so to affect economic growth already stunted.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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One of the biggest misconceptions about the new wave of British heavy metal is that, because it came as a reaction punk, the two movements have nothing in common. But in reality, was the brash energy and distinctive philosophy of 'do it yourself' punk which fueled the desire of hundreds of bands resurrecting the lessons taught in the early 70's by masters of Heavy Metal like Black Sabbath or Deep Purple and translate them into a formula-filled musical life exciting again. Few bands combine this combination as clearly as Tygers Of Pan Tang, whose stunning debut, 1980 'Wildcat', had (and has) an overwhelming vitality and energy. Tygers%20Of%20Pan%20Tang%20(KIT%2013) Tygers Of Pan Tang was one of those hundreds of bands that fell in the semi-oblivion soon as the 80's progressed, but the commitment of his guitarist Robb Weir, the only remaining founding member, made be reformed and re-emergence of the new millennium, extending dignity and legend that have become over time. For this band have been, among many others, musicians like John Sykes and Jon Deverill. And this legend began precisely with this album, which offers 10 (+ 8 'bonus' in this reissue) tracks copies of the perfection of Heavy Metal and shows us how to do. A hard fucking intense along its total length, full of excitement and fresh and original that sounds like the real heavy metal should sound. Strength, energy and fun. Ideal for new generations, they should always learn from the original. You owe it to themselves and the Heavy Metal.

Welcome To The Official Website Tygers Of Pan Tang ...


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Change A Daiain


In recent years, many fans are familiar with the name of Marco Hietala, powerful bass and great singer, having worked with some bands that might call 'accessible' to the public, and Sinergy and, above all, Nightwish. This reputation has helped draw attention to the first band he formed with his brother, guitarist Zachary. It was initially under the name Purgatory back in 1984, very original name was replaced by the Tarot in 1986, when he published his debut album, 'Spell Of Iron. " Tarot is therefore of Heavy Metal bands oldest and most famous of Finland, but never achieved great international success, perhaps because their records are separated by long silent periods, sometimes up to five years. But this emphasis on waiting time to release an album has led to one of the most consistent and brilliant bands of our time. Bright the aggressiveness and strength of his compositions, an almost perfect blend of classic Heavy Metal influences direct and brutal traditional with a touch more modern and appropriate moderate use of keyboards, and consistent because it had the Tarot same formation from 1988, which together with the brothers Hietala, complete Cinnari Vet drummer and keyboardist Janne Tolsa, plus the addition in 1995 of a former 'roadie' for the band, Tommi Salmela, as second vocalist. His live pyrotechnic paraphernalia omitted to make way for some performances just perfect. And this' Suffer Our Pleasures ", their 6th studio album, is no doubt that in 10, 15 or 20 years will call a classic Heavy Metal, overwhelming and devastating.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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third work of the Germans, which definitely gave their sound a gasket and final strength, improving production finally, again by Dirk Steffens . Accept_-_Breaker_-_Inside_(1-2) Hoffmann's guitar takes on a much larger presence, with memorable riffs and great solos, Udo appears much more comfortable in all matters, except, again, a beautiful ballad sung by Baltes ("Breaking Up Again") and the whole band in general takes on "his" sound, on track towards a METAL blatantly and much more aggressive and powerful, 10 large compositions represent the turning point of the group of age and entry (for the third time's the charm) through the front door into the world of HEAVY.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Silence! Silence in the arena,
the low cries in a corner ...
guitars no longer sound,
You know ... Gary Moore died!

Hasta Siempre, Gary

Rest In Peace (04/04/1952 to 06/02/2011)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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The second release of the Dutch Vandenberg, 'Heading For A Storm', is another of the great classics of hard rock lost in the mists of time. live2guit After the good impression he left his eponymous debut on this album the sound is a bit more polished and progressive, a little more experimental and production also more carefully, without losing punch, enabling them to raise (because of the Netherlands, hehe ...) and stomp the big Japanese and American scenes. With enormous potential and an extraordinary talent, Adrian Vandenberg, one of the guitarists who deserve to be in the Olympus of the six strings, very well supported by his three comrades who are not far behind in terms of quality, put the Netherlands on the map of Rock 'n' Roll. A truly brilliant album. Continued ...

HERE a full and interesting page about the band, yes, throwing a translator because it is in Dutch ... DOWNLOAD